Thursday, 26 November 2020

Prayer for the Nation - Thursday


November is a month of Prayer for the Nation, each day Christians across the nation have been united in prayer. (You can read the letter from the Archibishops here.) It is suggested that as many people as possible join together at 6pm each evening to prayer together.

This is the final Thursday of the four week lockdown month of prayer. On Thursdays we pray for the NHS and key workers during the pandemic:-

Lord Jesus Christ, in these dark and difficult days, we turn our hearts to you. 
In ages past, you have delivered our nation from disaster. 
Do it again, we pray. 
Give wisdom beyond human wisdom to our leaders, 
Give strength beyond human strength to the NHS and all our frontline workers. 
Give comfort beyond human comfort to the elderly and all who grieve. 
Lord Jesus Christ, in these dark and difficult days, turn your face towards us, have mercy upon us, and heal our land, we pray. 

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