Saturday 28 November 2020

The Value of Choral Worship

As I write we are at the start of lockdown number two, and choral worship is currently extremely restricted at St. Mary le Tower. The reasons are complex, despite initial optimism hopes were dashed at the last moment as we were advised that no young people could sing in church choirs during lockdown; only choristers in choir schools who can sing as part of their school activities are permitted to do so. 

Music adds a huge amount to worship in our churches in all sorts of ways. It involves the congregation more deeply, gives words meaning and enhances scripture. Just as children are often taught important information via song, music aids memory and connects with the soul. It is comforting, reassuring, and heightens our emotional involvement in worship. It is also a fundamental expression of joy, and there are few activities more enjoyable than singing with others! Even if you are not a regular churchgoer, events such as Christmas Tree Festivals and Carol Services hold great appeal and bring a real sense of community, often lacking in our modern lives. 

The musical education offered in cathedral schools and cathedral style parish church choirs like that of St Mary le Tower in Ipswich is of enormous value to society. Places are earned by ability and potential, not social position or income and they provide children who often have little access to a musical education with unparalleled opportunity. Our choirs are a main source of mission at St Mary le Tower, building links within our community. A good music director promotes skills and enthusiasm which stretch far beyond the individual and benefit whole communities. Cathedral style choirs like ours promote more than a tradition; they teach history- which gives the present context, they train the mind and bring significant mental health benefits. For many, the chorister experience will enrich their lives for many years to come; for some it will be the foundation for a career in professional music. 

If this year has taught us anything as a society, it has shown that our value system is profoundly skewed. Our mental health has been damaged by fear and loneliness, no amount of money or privilege can protect us against the virus and supporting retail and business hasn't made us any happier. What people really need, and are crucially missing, is music. Because it's so fundamentally essential for the soul. 

St. Mary le Tower is the only Parish Church in Suffolk (other than our Cathedral) providing extensive and exceptional choral opportunities for children and young people within worship. This is a real area of growth and mission. Sustaining this choral ministry requires an intensive programme of choral services, and more recently, a great deal of creative planning! Unlike our cathedral choirs, St Mary le Tower lacks the institutional backing of an official choir school so we must respect the hiatus in choral worship, and focus our energies on December and the year ahead.

  If you feel able to contribute to our choral ministry, please visit our donation page here. 

(This article is in part an excerpt from Kate Thompson’s article on cathedral choirs on the blog “Viral Music”.) 


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